Saturday, August 1, 2009

a little moment

Archie was growing a little restless. All Emily and Bella had done the last hour or so was bicker over flower arrangements.

"Maybe we don't even need any flowers," Emily put her hands on her hips.

"Just because I don't like daisies?" Bella scowled and walked away. They were in the kitchen while Archie was in the living-room watching Gib try to scoot around the coffee table.

"Are you sure I should be doing this?" Archie reminded them that he really wasn't sure he was the best person for the job to watch a nine month old.

"YES!" They said in unison and Emily followed Bella off into her bedroom where they could feud a little more over the wedding.

Archie kept an eye on Gib who was that age where everything would go in his mouth, and he was laughing at every little thing. Of course, Archie kept thinking of little diseasters. Like him hitting his lip on the coffee table. But there was something agile about the little rascal. He wanted on the coffee table which was clear of all magazines except for the sippy cup he knocked off. He was coming to get Archie. Gib kept the little fat legs dancing semi-squats. He was determined to get on top of the table.

Archie smiled. He watched. Onward Gib went. Struggling. The determination was spell binding. He was focused on getting on the table.

"I don't think you'll do it." Archie laughed slightly, shaking his head. "You're not suppose to do this. No, you won't. Please don't. I'd rather you do it when they are here. Not with me." Archie scowled just a little, but Gib kept coming. Up. Up. He finally straddled it with a grunt.

Archie's eyes widened.

"Now what?" Archie stood up himself, thinking where is he going?

Gib made a laugh and looked up at him as if he knew he could do it. He got in his crawl pose then as if he was in some sort of yoga stance.

"No. No. You wouldn't." Archie looked down at the hall seeing if anyone would come out and scare Gib as he stood right up on all two feet and swayed ever so slight and took a step toward Archie as if they were doing a circus act together.

In three little steps he stood waiting for Archie to take him.

"That was great, it really was." Archie picked him up. "But couldn't you just do that on the floor?" Archie sighed. He took Gib away from coffee table so Gib would have to take several steps to the couch. Archie helped him stand there until he could be on his own. Before he knew it, Gib danced over to the couch as if he were in a race of some kind.

Gib gingerly crawled on the couch then as if he was just about an old timer at this. He picked himself up on the back cushion, looking back at Archie, giggling and wiggling.

Archie smiled and shook his head.

"You little bugger," he laughed. Archie knew Gib was a climber who couldn't wait to figure out how to get on top of the couch.


diane said...

I can't believe the girls missed all of that because the were feuding. That is something Archie will never forget.

simon n josh said...

Too bad the girls would have to miss out on this. It was fun to read about how Gib is growing and so active.

ellie said...

I loved it. Gib is something.

the oaks said...

wow..about gib. that was so cute.